All the video learning materials I have published.
How to setup Cloudfront and Load Balancer with Terraform and Terragrunt?
Published: at 12:14 AMThis episode is a wrap up of the series on the different levels and layers of web request forwarding. This episode shows the necessary changes to terraform and terragrunt code to integrate AWS cloudfront with AWS load balancer to make a set of dockerised web applications accessible through the internet.
Web Proxy with AWS Cloudfront in Infrastructure code using Terraform
Published: at 12:14 AMThis show and tell episode runs through what is required to write Infrastructure Code in Terraform to setup Cloudfront as a web proxy.
AWS Load Balancer host and pattern based web request routing
Published: at 12:14 AMThis episode is a show and tell on how to setup host and pattern based web request routing with AWS Load balancer.
Secure Web Proxy with TLS, AWS Load Balancer and Route 53
Published: at 12:14 AMThis episode is a show and tell on setting up a domain/website that allows for accessing web applications using TLS (Transport Layer Security). This episode involves setting up of infrastructure as code with Terraform and orchestrating the infrastructure with Terragrunt. Main infrastructure resources include Route 53 hosted zone and records, AWS Load balancer and AWS Certificates.