All the video learning materials I have published.
Migrating local Run Atlantis setup to AWS ECS - The Preparation
Published: at 08:22 AMThis is the first episode of a series on migrating a local run atlantis setup to AWS ECS.
Fixing security flaw: Protecting app on ec2 instance with AWS Load Balancer
Published: at 01:07 AMOn this episode, I point out a security flaw in my setting up of integrating my application load balancer with an application that runs in my EC2 instance. This security flaw is quite common especially with very small projects but very important to pick up on the early parts of the infrastructure implementation to manage/minimise the risk and impact on systems.
How to secure EC2 application with AWS load balancer (IaC with Terraform)
Published: at 10:11 AMThis episode covers setup of Target Group resources that are used to bridge AWS Load Balancer with AWS Services that are running applications. The use case on this episode involves forwarding web request from AWS Load Balancer to an NGINX web application that is running on an EC2 instance.
How to secure AWS Load Balancer with Listener Rules
Published: at 03:06 AMOn this episode, i tackle how I write the infrastructure code with terraform to setup strict AWS Load Balancer Listener Rules attached to an AWS Load Balancer. This involves setting up a user friendly URL that exposes the load balancer to the internet and setting up strict rules based on host header and uri pattern to enable strict processing and flow of web traffic.