Event Driven Architecture - Building Worker Service Using Celery
This is the second part of a video series on developing a simple system using Event Driven Architecture. On this video:
- A simple worker service is created using python using Celery framework
- TDD (Test Driven Development) has been used to write the code
- This video shows the development of the application using virtual environment and porting the application to docker
- Building Backend API Endpoint: https://youtu.be/r_3FfgMgozw
- Celery Framework: https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/getting-started/introduction.html
- Flower: https://flower.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- RabbitMQ: https://github.com/docker-library/rabbitmq
Github Code link: https://github.com/dyordsabuzo/pablosspot/tree/main/ep-15-celery-worker-service