Topic: Application and Infrastructure Code Security
All the articles with the topic "Application and Infrastructure Code Security".
5. Terraform Code Scanning with Snyk and Docker
This episode is a show and tell on running vulnerability scans on terraform code using Snyk and docker and extracting the results using Security Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF).
6. How to use chainguard docker images to create a secure and minimal python docker image
This episode navigates through chainguard’s website/documentation to refactor a python docker image that is used to build the backend component of the Event Driven Architecture series. This refactoring exercises attempts to tap on chainguard’s docker images as base image to create a secure docker image with minimal size.
7. How to configure non ROOT user on docker images
This episode covers some basic perspective to understanding why ROOT user should not be used when running docker containers. This also covers basic approach to setting up a non-ROOT user on docker configuration files.